Let’s face it! Most of us with babies have more diapers at home than anything else and for some reason, we still seem to be running out of them! A lot of parents prefer disposable diapers because they are easy to use and dispose and you don’t really need to clean up the mess created! As ‘easy’ as disposable diapers may be, they are certainly not easy on the pocket, not to mention the toll it takes on the environment, which eventually hurts your STAR’s future. We surely wouldn’t want to do anything that stops our STAR from shining always, would we?
Reusable diapers have a lot of advantages over their disposable counterparts for example, Baby Moo’s Soft Bums Reusable Diapers are comfortable and hassle free! The soft absorbent fabric ensures a stress free environment not only for your little one, but also for you! Your STAR will be exposed to natural fabrics as opposed to chemicals and synthetic fabrics of disposables that lead to irritation and rashes.
Reusable diapers are usually made from soft and breathable fabrics which keep your bundle of joy happier and more active! You are also reducing the waste created by reusing diapers and saving a lot of dough!
Here are 3 advantages of reusable diapers:
Soft & Comfortable
As mentioned, reusable cloth diapers for babies are made from natural as well as organic materials that are comfortable and don’t lead to rashes due to harsh materials.
Yes, you read that right! Diapers are now a fashion statement for your STAR! Baby Moo’s soft reusable diapers come in attractive colours and styles aiding your star to shine, always!
Environment Friendly
Less waste means less pollution! You are literally safeguarding your STAR’s future!
Easier on the pocket!
Money saved is money earned! The initial investment of cloth diapers may be more expensive but it turns out more cost effective in the long run, just like the best muslin swaddles!
You already have so much to do as a new parent, why add regular diaper runs to your list of chores? No more emergency late night runs to the pharmacy as your soft reusable diapers are always there!
Check out Baby Moo’s very special range of Reusable Diapers on our site and give your STAR the best products at the BEST PRICES!